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“Accelerate Your Career with Digital Marketing Expertise”

Welcome to the world of digital marketing! Our digital marketing course provides comprehensive training for success in the dynamic online world. It equips both experienced professionals and beginners with the necessary knowledge and skills. The course covers various areas, including SEO, social media marketing, content creation, and data analytics. By mastering these core principles and best practices, you’ll be able to run effective digital campaigns, elevate your brand, expand your reach, and connect with your target audience.

Running Time: 4 Months


Module 1 :  Introduction to Digital Marketing
–   Overview of digital marketing.
–   Benefits of digital marketing.
–   Traditional marketing vs digital marketing.
–   Latest trends and developments in digital marketing.

Module 2:  Website Design and Development
–   Basics of website design.
–   User experience (UX) design.
–   Website development platforms.
–   Responsive website design.
–   Website speed and performance optimization.
–   Conversion rate optimization (CRO).

Module 3 : Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
–   Keyword research and analysis.
–   On-page SEO optimization.
–   Off-page SEO optimization.
–   Local SEO optimization.
–   Technical SEO.
–   SEO audit and analysis.

Module 4 : Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
–   Introduction to SEM.
–   Keyword research for PPC campaigns.
–   Ad copywriting.
–   Google Ads and Bing Ads.
–   Ad targeting options.
–   Ad budgeting and bidding strategies.
–   Quality score and ad rank.
–   Conversion tracking and analysis.

Module 5: Social Media Marketing (SMM)
–   Introduction to SMM.
–   Choosing the right social media platforms.
–   Content creation and curation for social media.
–   Social media advertising.
–   Social media analytics and metrics.
–   Influencer marketing.

Module 6 : Email Marketing
–   Introduction to email marketing.
–   Email marketing strategy and planning.
–   Email list building.
–   Email content creation and design.
–   Email automation and segmentation.
–   Email deliverability and spam prevention.
–   Email analytics and metrics.

Module 7 : Content Marketing(Design Tool)
–   Introduction to content marketing.
–   Content creation and curation.
–   Content distribution channels.
–   Content promotion and amplification.
–   Content measurement and analytics.

Module 8 : Analytics and Reporting
–   Introduction to web analytics.
–   Google Analytics setup and configuration.
–   Metrics and KPIs.
–   Basic Reports.
–   Basic Campaign and Conversion Tracking.
–   Data analysis and visualization.
–   A/B testing and experimentation.
–   Reporting and communication.
–   Search Console.

Module 9 : Mobile Marketing
–   Introduction to mobile marketing.
–   Mobile marketing strategy.
–   Mobile-responsive web design.
–   Mobile apps.
–   Mobile advertising.
–   Location-based marketing.

Module 10 : E-commerce Marketing

–   Introduction to e-commerce marketing.
–   E-commerce website optimization.
–   E-commerce advertising.
–   Shopping cart abandonment recovery.
–   Customer retention and loyalty programs.
–   E-commerce analytics and metrics.

Module 11 : WordPress
–   How to purchase perfect domain.
–   How to purchase perfect hosting.

Module 12 : Facebook Marketing
–   Introduction to Facebook Marketing.
–   Creation and Setting up a Facebook Business Page.
–   Exploring the Facebook Ads Manager interface.
–   Target Audience and Market Research.
–   Creating Compelling Facebook Ad Campaigns.
–   Campaign Optimization and Performance Tracking.
–   Facebook Pixel and Conversion Tracking.
–   Creating Engaging Content for Facebook.

Module 13 : Instagram Marketing
–   Introduction to Instagram Marketing.
–   Creating an Effective Instagram Business Profile.
–   Crafting Engaging Visual Content.
–   Hashtag Strategy and Discoverability.
–   Instagram Advertising and Sponsored Posts.
–   Analytics and Performance Tracking.
–   Instagram Influencer Marketing.

Module 14 : Youtube Marketing
–   Introduction to YouTube Marketing.
–   Creating an Effective YouTube Channel.
–   Video Content Strategy and Planning.
–   Video Production and Optimization.
–   Creating an Effective YouTube Channel.
–   Video Content Strategy and Planning.
–   Video Production and Optimization.
–   YouTube SEO and Discoverability.
–   YouTube Analytics and Performance Tracking.
–   Monetization and YouTube Advertising.

Module 15 : LinkedIn Marketing
–   Introduction to LinkedIn Marketing.
–   Why do you need a LinkedIn Account?.
–   How to increase reach?.
–   All Star Profile.
–   Targeting the right audience.
–   Targeting the right audience in the platform.
–   LinkedIn Groups.
–   Getting Traffic.
–   Sharing the right content.
–   Best practices and tactics.
–   LinkedIn Analytics.

Module 16 : Pinterest Marketing
–   Understanding how your audience uses Pinterest.
–   Keyword Research, Profile Optimization for Visibility, Content Optimization Strategy.
–  Content creation strategy, scheduling and automation, and creating a Pinterest strategy calendar.
–   Understanding your metrics and analytics to measure the success of your business goals.

Module 17 : Twitter Marketing
–   Introduction to Twitter.
–   Twitter Content Research.
–   Increasing Twitter Reach.
–   Introduction to Lead Generation.
–   Twitter Ads.
–   Twitter Analytics.

Module 18 : Online Reputation Management
–   Introduction to Online Reputation Management.
–   Monitoring Online Reputation.
–   Building a Positive Online Presence.
–   Responding to Feedback and Negative Online Content.
–   Online Reputation Protection.

Module 19 : Affiliate Marketing
–   What is Affiliate Marketing?.
–   Benefits of Affiliate Marketing.
–   Affiliate Marketing Networks.
–   Different Techniques used for Affiliate Marketing.
–   How to choose a Niche?.
– Main Components to create a Affiliate Marketing Website.
–   Strategies used for getting Traffic.
–   Common Mistakes done by Beginners.
–   Best Practises in Affiliate Marketing.

Module 20 : Google AdSense
–   Google AdSense fundamentals.
–   Google AdSense approval basics.
–   Google AdSense approval strategies.
–   Introduction to AdSense account interface.
–   How to use AdSense account interface.
–   How to place Ads on websites?.
–   How to place Ads on blogs?.
–   Custom Ads fundamentals.
–   Ads/ DFP planner.
–   How will you earn money via AdSense?.

Module 21 : Freelancing
–   Choosing Your Money-Making specialties.
–   Finding the Right Prospects.
–   Reaching and Attracting Prospects with Direct Email.
–   Attracting Clients with LinkedIn.
–   Attracting Clients with Your Website.
–   Meeting People Who Can Help and Hire You.
– Being in the Right Place when Clients Need a Freelancer.

Module 22 : Personality Development
Module 23 : Internship With Live Project
Module 24 : Google Certificate & HubSpot Certificate

Module 25 : How to make money Online
–   Blogging Secrets.
–   Affiliate Marketing.
–   Freelancing Project.
–   Youtube channel Monetization.
–   Drop shipping.

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