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Common Website Development Language to Build Website

Common Website Development Language to Build Website

Read Time 346 minutes

When you are in the process of building a website, you will have to select the most appropriate website development language to use. The language used to build websites is called the website development language. It is a set of rules that tell how to structure the content and layout of a website, and how to create interactive components like buttons and navigation bars. There are many different languages that can be used for building websites.
Website languages are usually created by software developers for specific tasks, such as building an online shop or creating an online forum. For example, PHP (PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) is a programming language that can be used to create dynamic websites.

The following are some of the common website development languages that you need to know:

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)

HTML is the markup language of the World Wide Web. It is used to create web pages that are viewed on the web and mobile devices. The most common website development language, HTML5 is used for creating websites on all web browsers. HTML is based on SGML, which was originally designed for office productivity applications rather than for electronic documents. It allows you to embed images, videos and audio files into your web pages. HTML5 also includes new features such as audio or video embedding or streaming; drag-and-drop functionality; improved CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) support; geolocation features; and more.
In its basic form, HTML documents consist of plain text interspersed with special codes that define the structure of printed pages, like paragraphs and lists. The code also defines the appearance of these elements — what font to use, where to start and stop text, and how to align things like images or links.
A web page consists of a series of “tables” (or “frames”) that have information about each other in them. For example:
There’s a table called “header,” which contains all kinds of information about the page itself — title, copyright notice, etc.
There’s another table called “navigation bar,” which contains links to other sections of the site — like “Home Page” or “About Us.”


CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a document written in a markup language. It provides a mechanism for describing the rendering of content to an HTML (HyperText Markup Language) document.
The CSS specification was developed by the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), and its latest version is known as CSS 4.0.
CSS can be used to control the layout, color, and fonts of an entire web page, or just select elements inside another element. It also allows you to modify some characteristics of HTML elements such as size, position, background color, border width and more.
CSS classes are reusable elements that you can use throughout your site. They are easy to define and add to your stylesheets and can be used not only for headers but also for navigation bars, footers, menus or anything else you want to style in a consistent way.


Javascript is a programming language that allows you to create web apps and other software. It is used on websites, in desktop applications and in server-side software.
Javascript is an object-oriented language, which means that it has a lot of similarities with the object-oriented programming languages Python and Ruby.
Javascript is also an interpreted language, i.e. it requires your computer to interpret the code for you before it can be executed on the browser or other client device where the website runs. This means that in order for Javascript to work properly, it needs to be compiled before execution so that your computer can understand what you are trying to do with your code.
But even though Javascript requires compilation before execution, this doesn’t mean that you have to learn how to compile code before writing any Javascript yourself – you only need to know how to run compiled Javascript (which is very easy).


PHP is a server-side, object-oriented scripting language. PHP was originally created by Rasmus Lerdorf as the successor to the mysql database engine, but it is now used for a wide variety of purposes, including content management systems (CMS) and e-commerce websites. PHP powers a wide variety of web applications and is especially suited to build complex, highly dynamic websites.
PHP offers dynamic web design through its ability to create simple and dynamic web pages. PHP also has an extensive standard library that allows you to write your own functions and libraries in the PHP language.
PHP comes with a number of built-in data types such as integers, floats, strings and arrays. Some built-in data types are fixed size (e.g., int), whereas others are variable size (e.g., string). The variable size ones can be extended by assigning other variables or constants to them.

PHP has strong support in Google’s search index and in many other search engines around the world, making it easy for people to find your site when they’re looking for PHP solutions.

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